Cities for refugees: Places of economic productivity, participation and wellbeing (Video)

Date published
Geneva Cities Hub
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With a focus on refugee hosting in cities of East Africa and the Middle East, this event recording on Tuesday, 6 December includes the first public presentation of emerging findings from a ground-breaking large-scale study comparing refugee wellbeing, livelihoods and enterprise in camps and urban areas.

‘Out of camp or out of site: realigning responses to protracted displacement in an urban world’ compares for the first time the livelihoods and wellbeing outcomes of refugees and internally displaced persons in camps and their counterparts in urban areas.

The project began in February 2020 and is funded by UK Aid, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the Bernard van Leer foundation. The research has amassed qualitative and quantitative data from around 4,500 refugees and hosts in Afghanistan, Kenya, Ethiopia and Jordan, and brought together municipal authorities with refugee-led organisations and service providers in Jalalabad, Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Amman.

See also the slide deck from this video